Our Team

Kate Snow
Kate Snow

Kate attended Lewisham College in 2009 and left with a BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts, and later went on to Drama School in Chiswick, London at Arts Educational School, graduating with a BA (Hons) Degree in Acting for Film and Television. Having completed her studies and worked as an actress in London for a number of years represented by John Doe Management, Kate returned home to Kenya in 2017 and continued to pursue her career as a professional actress. She has since been the force behind the creation and implementation of RafikiHu...Read More

Michael Scott
Michael Scott

Michael’s background is not from the performing arts industry, however, he has always had an interest in music and the performing arts. His partnership with the CEO heightened his interest in this sector and when the idea of RafikiHub was first discussed, it captivated him and ever-since, he has dedicated his time and resources to ensure that RafikiHub realises it’s potential in becoming a tech based platform that facilitates and enhances the Kenyan Arts industry, its processes and targets. Michael continues to work at RafikiHub.com, work...Read More

Joe Nyamu
Joe Nyamu

Joe’s background is in Computer Sciences and he has had various roles in IT departments at various reputable companies. When RafikiHub was first discussed with Joe, he loved the idea and bought into the project as more than just a developer. As well as building the site from scratch, using thousands of lines of self-written code (as no readily available website template would be applicable to such a large, complex site, like RafikiHub), Joe has bought into the idea of RafikiHub, believes in the need it addresses for the performing arts indu...Read More